Our Team

David Cain - Certified Advanced Grief Recovery Specialist

I was first widowed in 1998.  I landed on my own Isolated Grief Island and I was stuck for several months.  After reaching out for help (grief recovery workshop), I was able to leave this isolation and start to build and follow my unique "Healthy Grief Recovery Journey:. 

Over the next 24 years, I built up more and more resilience and taught myself how to lose things (including people close to me).

Last year, I was devastated with the death of my second wife.  I landed on the same Isolated Grief Island.  The pain was equally as deep, but the suffering did not last as long. 

I documented the next 6 months of my journey, took a second grief recovery workshop,  became certified as an Advanced Grief Recovery Specialist, took several other courses and did a deep dive on what the experts have to say.  From there, I used this education and my lived experiences and built DIY tools to help active grievers work towards being more whole-hearted and also drastically reduce the brain fog.

Since then I have conducted 6 grief recovery workshops.  I have witnessed attendees transforming in each workshop.  (4.1/5 score from anonymous survey results).  They start to move more towards the present moment, also moving towards "Emotional Freedom", feeling what they feel when they feel it (Gwenda Lambert).

None of us can avoid loss, and while we all grieve differently, it can be so important to find a space where one can come with no answers in hand, but a desire to start the journey from unresolved grief to a new, yet different life.  This is a life where one takes some control over what feels like an out of control situation.

Thank you


Megan Heil - Certified Advanced Grief Recovery Specialist

I was a Recreation Assistant in a retirement home, During my time with my clients I witnessed a need for more grief support to individuals and the people in retirement communities. 

At the same time, I witnessed several deaths in my personal life.  I did not know how to lose people close to me. 

I ended up with an anxiety diagnosis.  I was temporarily unable to work.   This lead me on a personal journey to find effective grief recovery support.  I took the Grief Recovery Workshop from the Grief Recovery Institute (tm).  This gave me the skills and tools to deal with my losses.

I took the training to become a certified advanced grief recovery specialist.  I now offer workshops to those who wish to build and live a "Healthy Grief Recovery Journey".   It is very interesting to witness the transformations that happen during the workshops.  (4.75/5 score from anonymous survey results).  As well, I am in working on a Certificate of Thanatology (the scientific study of death). 

I look forward to the opportunity to walk beside you as you chose to find answers that will help you take some control of what feels like an out of control situation.

Thank you


Terri Swan - Certified Advanced Grief Recovery Specialist

For many years there was a calling im my heart– to be a guide for others out of the darkness of loss and grief.

The course of my life was altered during challenging six year period of tremendous loss in the mid 1990’s – that included several big losses. 

But it was a life changing traumatic child loss and subsequent infertility that I was unable to finally move forward from. 

In my attempt to heal, I tried counselling, self helps books and seminars and retreats but nothing was moving the needle for significant change. 

The missing piece was discovered in Grief Recovery, finally allowing me to heal my heart and be emotionally complete and free.

As an Advanced Online Grief Recovery Specialist, I’m now able to provide and guide others with the tools and compassionate understanding and support needed to process their loss(es). 

No one should have to stay in the grief related emotions of loss.  I believe our personal and collective pain is the gateway to our biggest transformation. 

It’s our shared humanity of loss that connects us all, as everyone will experience some sort of loss during their lifetime. 

Grief Recovery is necessary emotional work and here is what I know.  Time will not mend a broken heart.  Wishing for a different or better yesterday doesn’t change the past.  Everyone deserves to heal from loss and grief and be more whole.

Whether your loss was last month, last year, or twenty years ago, when you’re ready to heal, I will be right there guiding and supporting you. I know how scary that first step is, that’s why I created a soft place for you to land and to be nurtured with compassion each step of the way. Healing happens when you step forward courageously.


Your heart also longs to be free. It is my honour to guide and support you in your metamorphosis. 

At the same time, I witnessed several deaths in my personal life.  I did not know how to lose people close to me. 

I ended up with an anxiety diagnosis.  I was temporarily unable to work.   This lead me on a personal journey to find effective grief recovery support.  I took the Grief Recovery Workshop from the Grief.

Thank you


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